Shrek is Love: Fast Food Shrek

> be me
> ordering at a fast food restaurant with my family
> I have a Baconator with extra onions
> My mother asks what we should have for the table
> the choices were onion rings or french fries
> I immediately choose the onion rings
> the rest of my family chooses the fries
> I tell them not to disappoint Shrek
> My family rolls their eyes and say shrek is drek
> I was appalled by such foul language
> I realized that my family was filled with Farquaads
> I pray vigorously to my ogrelord
> suddenly I hear a crash through the ceiling.
> shrek falls on top of my mother and then jizzes all over her bloody mangled mess
> Shrek takes out his 1,485,937,839 Mile long cock and he gets aroused which doubles the size of his cock
> Shrek sticks his dick in my teen sister and has amazing shrex with her as he filled her with his onion cum
> I continued to fap at the speed of light
> suddenly, shrek fills my teen sister so much that she blows up
> next, shrek goes up to my dad, does a triple flip and then says
> "get your arse over here laddie!"
> my dad comes up and then shrek rips off my dads head and skullfucks his head and then he took his eyes out and made jam out of it.
> I ask if its ogre
> Shrek says "Not yet laddeh."
>He takes out his aroused182838981424524624624635357635625435525246356467578679797907907867845636323234235246256357646484673463424513413524635635745747456 mile long cock and he makes me suck it
> we proceed to have amazing shrex throughout the night
> I walk back home with a anus that was torn in half
shrek is love shrek is life